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United Nations Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) was formed to address shortcomings of its predecessor, the UN Commission on Human Rights, which faced criticism for being politicized and allowing countries with poor human rights records to become members. The UNHRC was established to promote universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people, without discrimination or bias.
Since its inception, the UNHRC has undertaken various initiatives and actions to fulfill its mandate. It conducts regular sessions to address human rights violations worldwide, investigates specific human rights situations through special procedures, and reviews the human rights records of UN member states through the Universal Periodic Review mechanism.
As for resolutions, the UNHRC has passed numerous resolutions addressing a wide range of human rights issues, including but not limited to conflict zones, discrimination, freedom of expression, women's rights, minority rights, and the rights of migrants and refugees. The exact number of resolutions passed by the UNHRC varies from year to year, as it depends on the agenda and priorities of each session. However, the council typically adopts multiple resolutions during each of its regular sessions.

Xenophobia, the fear and hatred of those perceived as different, fuels discrimination and marginalizes indigenous communities.
Xenophobia has sparked devastating consequences throughout history, from the Holocaust's genocide to the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, apartheid in South Africa, and the Rwandan genocide.
This agenda seeks to address these challenges by,
Analyzing existing international human rights instruments to ensure they effectively protect indigenous cultures, ethnicities, and traditions. ⚖️
Examining the specific challenges faced by indigenous communities due to xenophobia, including land dispossession, cultural erasure, and violence. ✊
Developing concrete solutions and recommendations for governments, international organizations, and civil society to combat xenophobia and guarantee the full and equal enjoyment of human rights for all indigenous peoples.
We encourage thoughtful discussions, critical thinking, and collaborative solutions to build a world where indigenous cultures flourish and discrimination and hatred have no place.
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